Saturday 26 January 2013

The Vain Blog

I changed the blog's description from 'An Open Look Book ...into this girly girl's life' to 'THE VAIN BLOG where it's all about me me me me ME' because when I started to read back on the entries I've written so far... all I talked about was 'Me.' So why not. I have a food blog where I talk all about food, so why can't I have a me blog? (The food blog does beter in terms of traffic, by the way, but hey, that's ok! It's not like there's a competition and even if there were, it's just between me and myself)!

The food blog is very focused on the one topic, whereas my mind is all over the place when it comes to writing in here. I can get a lot deeper with my thoughts with this blog which may or may not appeal to everybody. I am geuinely excited about food and you can probably catch on that when you follow my food blog. But here is where the other sides of my personality surface. The raw, more emotional and sometimes dramatic, comes into play.

I am currently working on a 'Wedding Mood Board' as a component to a second interview that I have with a wedding planner. It is only for an internship position. I should be able to learn quite a lot from her, but there are also other options that I am considering. My main concern is that the internship is unpaid and I really need to decide if earning money is more important right now or gaining experience without pay for 8 months. I could definitely still work part-time while I am doing the ineternship, even full-time if I manage my time well, but I need to know the specifics of what is expected of me in order to better allocate my time around things. Perhaps I should get the interview over with before I even start worrying about everything else. I would love to show you guys what I whipped up today! I am very surprised that it all came together in a several hours' work... almost organically. It was such a strange feeling. I did not work non-stop and definitely took too many breaks; eating breakfast, snacking on sushi and bingeing on my Black Diamond Green Tea Red Bean Slush from Serissa (thanks to sis for getting take-out for me!)... but I did it!! Now, I just have to come up with a story on how I came about this theme.

At the same time, I am trying to quickly fix up my beautifully edited resume (thank you to EW for doing such a great job on it. I love it. And I owe you so much when I get my full-time position, whatever it may be)! And then off I send it to JS who is going to forward it to his contacts. He has helped me in the past when I was in dire need to get to work on time that one day... Thinking back, I am so ashamed that someone could be as irresponsible as I was to not take things as seriously as I should. Yes, I am still habitually late when I meet my friends, with the odd occasion that I am not. I know I need to change that about myself, trust me, I know. I don't like waiting on people and they shouldn't have to wait on me either. To this day I haven't forgotten how JS drove me from the supermarket where I was picking up last minute supplies for the work shift that was to start in less than an hour all the way to my work location which was at least a 1/2 hour drive away. I could have never made it on time if I took public transit. Sometimes it is the most unexpected people who end up being the one who helps you out when you are in a crutch. I have JS to thank for that. I am definitely inspired to be that friend for somebody else. I may not be the first one you think of, but I will do what is in my power to not let you down.

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