Monday 25 March 2013

Dilemma of the week

How to convince the parents that it's okay that I move out, when:

1) My current financial situation is not the greatest.
2) It's with a guy friend. And because it's a guy, they are afraid 'what other people may think.'
3) If I get the new job, it would be way closer to my current home than the one I'm moving to.
4) There are so many oppositions from different people regarding the move.

What my parents don't understand, is:

1) THEY are one of the biggest, fattest reasons, I need to move out. There is too much negativity, put downs and frustrations from their end that are preventing me from living fully and thinking positively.
2) I need to learn to be more independent for my own benefit. Cook, clean and care for myself - all the things they want me to learn! Which of course, they want me to achieve without me leaving the nest.
3) I need more time to focus on my projects outside of work, and with their constant nagging of sleeping before 12 and please refer to point #1, I am unable to truly find the right state of mind to do so. I am left feeling guilty when my mom tells me she is 'worried and not able to sleep' because I am up past 1am on my laptop working.
4) I don't need my dad to come storming downstairs to take the remote and shut off the tv because of the very rare occasion that I am watching something past 12. Or shut off the lights, when I have the laptop on past 12.

I honestly think it's amazing that I am still relatively sane. So if you find me a little off and kooky - it's all thanks to the environment I grew up in! Everybody has their own family story and I'm not gonna say mine is the worst. But it definitely puts your emotional intelligence to the test. If you can rise above it, good for you. If you can't, you will definitely face some challenges. I just prefer not having to constantly be subjected to this kind of treatment and in this environment. I do intend to come home during weekends and I really hope that they will understand where I am coming from. I appreciate all that they've done for me, especially my mom, but there are just so many other areas where they have not shown good parenting.

I won't get into that, but I just mentioned to my mom my intention to move, about an hour ago. This definitely constitutes as a difficult conversation to have with the parents. Probably worse than when I signed up for the Shanghai internship (before telling them) and left for 5 months before coming home. This happened last year around the same time. And every time, I have to fight for what I want. I am always left feeling guilty because I know I am going against their wishes, but do it anyway. I must be the worst model child. But hey, at least I didn't get knocked up at 16 like her friend's daughter did! Whom by the way, my mom raves about all the time now because she's uber successful and rich (by her own merit), and has since ended up marrying a good guy.

I'll update you guys on the move, but it's gonna be a pretty hellish week where she's gonna try to convince me otherwise with her sheer disappointment in my judgment and her loud objections to such an arrangement. FML. Wish me luck (WML)!

Monday 18 March 2013

so it's not a thursday... but it's okay!

Only the first week in and already I kinda deviated from my plan to write every Thursday. I know right?! So me. But hey, at least it's still within the same week, so I'm a woman of my words... divided by 2.

Anyway, it's been a super busy week. My planner's other intern was away for a week, and she missed a lot of stuff which I will be responsible for updating her on. Off the top of my head, she missed the social media training, the Skype meeting with a possible new client, today's new client meeting, the Art of Fashion meeting, picking up decor for the 50th birthday party, the actual set up, coordination & tear-down of the event yesterday, the timeline and update meeting with a client's upcoming wedding in a few months... all this happened within a 10-day period. Wow. I'm just glad I am not in her position right now, even though I am the one that's going to update her on everything. It's just easier when you're not the one on the receiving end of all this info. Sorry R!! I'll try my best not to miss anything.

Within this week, I've also done the final edits for the SH project. I'm so excited! It's going to roll out soon. Crossing my fingers that all goes well. :)

The Art of Fashion (AOF) is so exciting. I love fashion although it might not be obvious because I don't look the part due to, I hate to admit it, laziness on my end. But that will change! I promise to make more effort. You can hold me accountable if I don't. So the AOF is a non-profit organization {} that gives up-and-coming student designers a platform to showcase their work. This would be great exposure to emerging designers, as in the past, there were 10,000 people in attendance. The event used to be held during Nuit Blanche (NB) every year, but this is the first year that it will be held outside of NB. It's going to be amazing, and I'm so happy the organizers reached out to my wedding planner to head the Logistics team. Fashion week is next week for those who are interested {}. I didn't actually find out about that until I went to the AOF meeting this past Wednesday. Yup, so not in the loop!

Other than that, I survived week 1 of my new job! It's supposed to be a 5-month contract and I love how chill it is right now. I really hope to keep it that way, because I want to be able to focus my energies on my projects outside of work. I don't know if I'm getting old too soon too fast, but those 1.5 hour commutes and 3 hours round-trip are dreadful. They suck the energy right out of me! I have got to do something to change this situation. I'm on it... but there's still some kinks that need to be worked out. Updates soon, I promise!

Yesterday was uber busy. The party didn't end until midnight and then we spent about half an hour doing clean-up and tear-down. I didn't get to my friends' place until almost 1. It's times like these that I really appreciate my awesome friends - they stayed up even though they were getting really sleepy, provided me with toothpaste and toothbrush because of course I would forget mine and just generally being so welcoming even though we don't always talk on a regular basis. I love them! Such a sweet, cute couple. I met Lulu during my UofT exchange program to France back in 2009 and I always tell myself, as long as I make one great friend, you're a lucky gal, missy! Thanks Lulu Sheep! I can't wait to make that South/Central America trip happen... hopefully in the near, near future. ^‿^

Met up with the guys (yup, Eva & Grace, we're part of the dudes!) and Johnnyboy who's in town for the week. I don't think I'll have time to see him off when he leaves but I'm not too worried. I plan to head across the border sometime in the summer anyway, so no biggie. He says he's gonna introduce me to doctor types but I know he's just bluffing me. Such a douche. Just kidding. Love you, half-bro!

Anyway, that's my week's recap. I devoted zero time for MA this week. Gotta make effort not to fall off!

My friend Ernest shared with me a fantastic article today. I loved it, because it really hit home. For those interested in adding more happiness to your life by doing a little subtracting: {Be Happier: 10 Things to Stop Doing Right Now}

Have a great, productive week, everyone!

Friday 8 March 2013

Neglect and Making Habits

I'm so sorry guys! I have totally abandoned this blog because my schedule has just been so jam-packed.

I don't want to over-promise and under-deliver. I am going to keep busy, find balance, blog and still juggle a day job and my side projects. I feel terrible neglecting this blog. If I have even one friend that checks back (thanks for reading, James!), I feel I owe it to them to keep posting. Of course I am supposed to do this for my own sake, but I feel so much more touched when I know people read my shizz! So, from this week forward, I'm going to post weekly Thursday blogs (I'm well aware that today is Friday, but it will be Thursdays from next week on), even if it's just a small update. Without consistency, a set schedule and a plan of action - I'm just going to neglect this blog like I've done since the last post. When it gets more regular and I am better at managing my time and priorities, I'm going to up it to Mondays and Thursdays. That way, Mondays I can update about the weekend and Thursdays, about the upcoming week, and yaddy yadda.

I have good news! My job agency has finally put me up with something semi-long-term. It's a repetitive, tedious role [the exact kind that I dread, haha] but I want to put a positive spin on it and treat it with a 'no job too small mentality.' Plus, I need the regular cheques coming in. My previous agency does not contact me anymore because when I first came back from vacay, I really screwed up the assignment they placed me. The client supervising me rated me poorly (I'm sure of it, because agencies ask this of the clients. good ratings = more jobs for the temp), which is why they've never found me anything since. Of course I am disappointed that I did this to myself, but I am also not impressed with them for not giving me another chance, when I stayed on a 2-year term that they had placed me. Let this be a lesson to all you tempies out there - don't make the same mistake as I did. If you're stuffing envelopes, make sure to do it quickly and swiftly - NOT leisurely.

I also started my internship with the wedding planner. She basically most if not all of my quirks and short-comings... and I really appreciate that she is willing to work with me to overcome them. She's tough, talkative and very boss! And she means business! But she's also fun and I like how I can say to her exactly how I feel. At some point, I think she's gonna be royally pissed at me, but that's because of our personalities. I'm extremely defensive, lol. But anyway, I'm so glad I met her and feel lucky to have her as a sort of mentor and role model (especially when I have nobody else who will instill good values in me). I think more than ever, I'm realizing that my parents have influenced me so much - to the person I am today - and I'm not saying that in a good way. I'm not going to put 100% of the blame on them, because how I handle my EQ is on me as well. I truly believe moving out would impact me in a very positive way, but the money issue has had me hesitating. Especially when I've got a trip I want to go with the Citco girls in the summer, the NYC trip I have already promised to take to visit the 2 friends I met while I was in SH (and of course Johnny, hello!), cousin's wedidng in HK in December (honestly, I want to spend a month there so I can experience Christmas and New Year's Day! and make my flight tickets super worth it!), the Wedding MBA convention in Vegas (in October) and the MA World Convention in Miami, the following February. I don't even know if I can afford all of that! I'm gonna eat peanut butter on bread crumbs. That was sort of my type of dinner in SH, when I felt guilty about overspending.

My other project consists of editing drafts for my friend whom I met in SH. She's an awesome fashionista/art/business type who is going to make it big with her business proposal. I'm so glad to be part of the project (which I can't reveal any details until it rolls out), but I feel lucky even just to have met her (the random way that we did)! She's the type who you meet and then immediately fall in love with. If you get to meet her - you'll know what I'm talking about!

The last project that I'm busy with is my side project with MA. If you want to make a little money on the side (this is not a get-rich-quick scheme) and trust that with hard work, that in time, you can make enough money to retire in 2-3 years (6 figure income is achievable if you are willing to put in the hard work), then I want to talk to you! 'Retiring' does not mean you don't work anymore. You still can! But you won't be a slave to the economy anymore. You can choose not to work once you reach success after the 2-3 year plan. And you will reach success, if you follow all the steps that have been tried, tested and true. You just have to believe. You need to have discipline. And you need to want it badly. If financial and time freedom is important to you, if you will do whatever it takes to retire in 2-3 years, we have the opportunity for you. My team will be with you every step of the way to make sure you succeed, as long as you are coachable, follow the plan and have the burning desire to get out of the rat race. If you are this person, let's get in touch.

Yup, I've been MIA for awhile, but this is all going to change. Let's start making good habits, that we will keep, on things that we want to achieve!

PS: Thinking of getting my hair cut soon! Haven't had it this long since 2nd grade or something. For reals.