Thursday 20 December 2012

Written Between the Texts.

I'm the only one on the planet (besides the members of my immediate family) still using a dumb phone aka non-smart phone. I see maids on the MTR in HK using them smart phones!!! It's bad enough that I've still not upgraded when I have to take my little phone out in public in North America, but being in Asia makes it 1000x worse. I'm on a prepaid rogers plan where $100 lasts 365 days or whichever runs out first. My friends know not to call me unless it's for emergency purposes only haha! Nobody has commented that I am still living in the stone age but I just didn't feel I used a cell phone enough to justify the $60 monthly phone bills. But now that I live, love and breathe social media, I feel like I need to have one! That's the first thing I'm going to invest in once I land a job.

Today, I want to share with you some of the texts that I have received from friends, that kinda give you a good idea of who I am and the kind of people I surround myself with. Some were too funny, sweet or fits-me-to-a-T to delete upon receipt and response, and some I just haven't gotten around to deleting yet, just because. Enjoy! :)

When I was planning a birthday weekend to Kingston:
Hey gals, just wanna tell that hotel has been booked and confirmed.'s (that's me) gonna flip again... price went up by $6!!!

When we got our first raise...
Pay raise sucked. It was like a courtesy raise. :(

When everybody was being polite and not inching toward the taxi that was free to take, I get called a...
Taxi stealer.

When I took a week off work for my wisdom teeth removal:
Friend A: Will you leave me alone for a whole week? I will punch you once you get back... Start missing u.. :(
Friend B: You slacker. How many days are you taking off?

This is before I signed up for the $5 monthly text plan:
Friend A: Till we find a driver. Oops I sent u two msgs. Sorry. I'll give u 50 cents next time lol
Friend B: I know this is a bittersweet txt cuz you've gotta pay.. But happy birthday! Hope you have fun at allllll your celebrations!
Friend C: Hey xxx!! I'm texting you with $$$! Don't be mad...I just wanna say happy birthday to my fam! Will see u soon, muah~

We always look forward to fresh meat coming on board our team. Except in this particular instance:
He is sooo annoying! Why him?whyy? Hes hoggin a space for another mewbie who could be my potential husband! Shiaaattt! S gcs bn jh dshhhjj

When I had a crush on a dude who worked in a different department:
Just saw mook dook lo walk by with a decent looking girl whom ive never seen..

When I had a case of JLin fever:
Just saw jeremy lin in a wifebeater on the magazine.. Hes actually not bad looking!

When I told mom I was going to go to Asia for 5 months:
Just saw your mum at no frills. And she said you dropped the bomb lol

Just a normal day at work...
When you came out of the felt like a movie! In slowmo walking out with your hair flying around so young and pretty LOL

When I finally took the plunge, stopped being all talk, booked flights to Asia and quit my job:
OMG you won't be there today. I'm going to seriously get so sad seeing your empty desk!!!:(

Because there's always a glare coming from the floor-to-ceiling windows when I'm on my computer at work...
Also funny story, may shut the blinds and maria goes 'did you get a message from xxx to do this' I laughed so loud. Didn't care about management.

...Because it is a known fact I am going to be late:
:))))) I was predicted this). Of course, call me, when you arrive! I'm in the hair salon, stylist make my hair, and I'm make my nails in the same time:)

When I came back from Asia:
So the rumours of xxx sightings r true!! Yayyy ur back! I wanna hear all about she. U have time, which I'm sure is not today...HAPPY BIRTHDAY hun!!! Enjoy! Hope to see u b4 u take off jetsetting again:p xo

I did end up going on a family cruise to Europe after coming back from Asia, so I officially finished all my travels by Oct 1. Since then, I did a temp job and am still looking for that full-time position that is going to enable me to move out, pay off my travel debt and go to HK in July for 2-4 weeks. It's been way harder than I expected to secure something and if it's anything I learned, it is probably not the best idea to quit your job and go away for 5-6 months at a time. It's way less exhausting to take shorter trips more frequently, as you'll have more energy and enthusiasm for each new city you visit, not to mention, more money leftover in your bank account to boot!

No regrets, but I'm definitely struggling from the choices I have made... if the world ends tomorrow, well, at least I got to see a lot of it! :)
Happy Last Day on Earth, dear friends!!!

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